Breaking Bad, Me and My Meth(ods) LOL

Feb 15, 2017 | | Say something

 Walter black

True blue in a crystallized state is truly amazing as far as chemistry, and science in the physical world.  I recently became an ISSA professional and I was approached with a question: how many calories are in each gram protein and carbs?  I was stuck on stupid but when i was reading the personal training book there were all kinds of questions that i forgot the answers to lol, but the answer is 4 calories for each carbs and protein.  But I came up with a fool-approved and fool proof method.  STUDY AND ANALYZE THE PERIODIC TABLE, and refer back to my ISSA training guide in the nutrition section.  I came up with my own little gimmick in nutrition class in one of my presentations called “The periodic/idiotic Carl tart chart” and I reminded my goofy ass in a silly manner of certain elements and formulas I needed as a professional.  For those also finding their way I want to give a few suggestions to your natural habits: I day dream A LOT, so I relate my study materials to my day dreams.  Write, type, and recite.  Outline chapters.  Find something to inspire you, I used pics of a girl I had a crush on and everytime I got ready to slack I would pull up a pic of her and just seeing that smile inspired me to go an extra 15 mins and it makes a big difference!!!  Some of the elements directly from this chart are a big part of nutrition and fitness.  My advice, keep on studying and training and it will all come together.  Good Training to all, and to all a good fight!!!


Periodic Table of Contents

No. Atomic
Name Sym. M.P.
crust (%)*
Group* Electron
energy (eV)
1 1.0079 Hydrogen H -259.0 -253.0 0.09 0.14 1776 1 1s1 13.5984
2 4.0026 Helium He -272.0 -269.0 0.18 1895 18 1s2 24.5874
3 6.941 Lithium Li 180.0 1,347.00 0.53 1817 1 [He] 2s1 5.3917
4 9.0122 Beryllium Be 1,278.00 2,970.00 1.85 1797 2 [He] 2s2 9.3227
5 10.811 Boron B 2,300.00 2,550.00 2.34 1808 13 [He] 2s2 2p1 8.298
6 12.0107 Carbon C 3,500.00 4,827.00 2.26 0.09 ancient 14 [He] 2s2 2p2 11.2603
7 14.0067 Nitrogen N -210.0 -196.0 1.25 1772 15 [He] 2s2 2p3 14.5341
8 15.9994 Oxygen O -218.0 -183.0 1.43 46.71 1774 16 [He] 2s2 2p4 13.6181
9 18.9984 Fluorine F -220.0 -188.0 1.7 0.03 1886 17 [He] 2s2 2p5 17.4228
10 20.1797 Neon Ne -249.0 -246.0 0.9 1898 18 [He] 2s2 2p6 21.5645
11 22.9897 Sodium Na 98.0 883.0 0.97 2.75 1807 1 [Ne] 3s1 5.1391
12 24.305 Magnesium Mg 639.0 1,090.00 1.74 2.08 1755 2 [Ne] 3s2 7.6462
13 26.9815 Aluminum Al 660.0 2,467.00 2.7 8.07 1825 13 [Ne] 3s2 3p1 5.9858
14 28.0855 Silicon Si 1,410.00 2,355.00 2.33 27.69 1824 14 [Ne] 3s2 3p2 8.1517
15 30.9738 Phosphorus P 44.0 280.0 1.82 0.13 1669 15 [Ne] 3s2 3p3 10.4867
16 32.065 Sulfur S 113.0 445.0 2.07 0.05 ancient 16 [Ne] 3s2 3p4 10.36
17 35.453 Chlorine Cl -101.0 -35.0 3.21 0.05 1774 17 [Ne] 3s2 3p5 12.9676
18 39.948 Argon Ar -189.0 -186.0 1.78 1894 18 [Ne] 3s2 3p6 15.7596
19 39.0983 Potassium K 64.0 774.0 0.86 2.58 1807 1 [Ar] 4s1 4.3407
20 40.078 Calcium Ca 839.0 1,484.00 1.55 3.65 1808 2 [Ar] 4s2 6.1132
21 44.9559 Scandium Sc 1,539.00 2,832.00 2.99 1879 3 [Ar] 3d1 4s2 6.5615
22 47.867 Titanium Ti 1,660.00 3,287.00 4.54 0.62 1791 4 [Ar] 3d2 4s2 6.8281
23 50.9415 Vanadium V 1,890.00 3,380.00 6.11 1830 5 [Ar] 3d3 4s2 6.7462
24 51.9961 Chromium Cr 1,857.00 2,672.00 7.19 0.04 1797 6 [Ar] 3d5 4s1 6.7665
25 54.938 Manganese Mn 1,245.00 1,962.00 7.43 0.09 1774 7 [Ar] 3d5 4s2 7.434
26 55.845 Iron Fe 1,535.00 2,750.00 7.87 5.05 ancient 8 [Ar] 3d6 4s2 7.9024
27 58.9332 Cobalt Co 1,495.00 2,870.00 8.9 1735 9 [Ar] 3d7 4s2 7.881
28 58.6934 Nickel Ni 1,453.00 2,732.00 8.9 0.02 1751 10 [Ar] 3d8 4s2 7.6398
29 63.546 Copper Cu 1,083.00 2,567.00 8.96 ancient 11 [Ar] 3d10 4s1 7.7264
30 65.39 Zinc Zn 420.0 907.0 7.13 ancient 12 [Ar] 3d10 4s2 9.3942
31 69.723 Gallium Ga 30.0 2,403.00 5.91 1875 13 [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p1 5.9993
32 72.64 Germanium Ge 937.0 2,830.00 5.32 1886 14 [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p2 7.8994
33 74.9216 Arsenic As 81.0 613.0 5.72 ancient 15 [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p3 9.7886
34 78.96 Selenium Se 217.0 685.0 4.79 1817 16 [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p4 9.7524
35 79.904 Bromine Br -7.0 59.0 3.12 1826 17 [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p5 11.8138
36 83.8 Krypton Kr -157.0 -153.0 3.75 1898 18 [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p6 13.9996
37 85.4678 Rubidium Rb 39.0 688.0 1.63 1861 1 [Kr] 5s1 4.1771
38 87.62 Strontium Sr 769.0 1,384.00 2.54 1790 2 [Kr] 5s2 5.6949
39 88.9059 Yttrium Y 1,523.00 3,337.00 4.47 1794 3 [Kr] 4d1 5s2 6.2173
40 91.224 Zirconium Zr 1,852.00 4,377.00 6.51 0.03 1789 4 [Kr] 4d2 5s2 6.6339
41 92.9064 Niobium Nb 2,468.00 4,927.00 8.57 1801 5 [Kr] 4d4 5s1 6.7589
42 95.94 Molybdenum Mo 2,617.00 4,612.00 10.22 1781 6 [Kr] 4d5 5s1 7.0924
43 * 98.0 Technetium Tc 2,200.00 4,877.00 11.5 1937 7 [Kr] 4d5 5s2 7.28
44 101.07 Ruthenium Ru 2,250.00 3,900.00 12.37 1844 8 [Kr] 4d7 5s1 7.3605
45 102.9055 Rhodium Rh 1,966.00 3,727.00 12.41 1803 9 [Kr] 4d8 5s1 7.4589
46 106.42 Palladium Pd 1,552.00 2,927.00 12.02 1803 10 [Kr] 4d10 8.3369
47 107.8682 Silver Ag 962.0 2,212.00 10.5 ancient 11 [Kr] 4d10 5s1 7.5762
48 112.411 Cadmium Cd 321.0 765.0 8.65 1817 12 [Kr] 4d10 5s2 8.9938
49 114.818 Indium In 157.0 2,000.00 7.31 1863 13 [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p1 5.7864
50 118.71 Tin Sn 232.0 2,270.00 7.31 ancient 14 [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p2 7.3439
51 121.76 Antimony Sb 630.0 1,750.00 6.68 ancient 15 [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p3 8.6084
52 127.6 Tellurium Te 449.0 990.0 6.24 1783 16 [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p4 9.0096
53 126.9045 Iodine I 114.0 184.0 4.93 1811 17 [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p5 10.4513
54 131.293 Xenon Xe -112.0 -108.0 5.9 1898 18 [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p6 12.1298
55 132.9055 Cesium Cs 29.0 678.0 1.87 1860 1 [Xe] 6s1 3.8939
56 137.327 Barium Ba 725.0 1,140.00 3.59 0.05 1808 2 [Xe] 6s2 5.2117
57 138.9055 Lanthanum La 920.0 3,469.00 6.15 1839 3 [Xe] 5d1 6s2 5.5769
58 140.116 Cerium Ce 795.0 3,257.00 6.77 1803 101 [Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2 5.5387
59 140.9077 Praseodymium Pr 935.0 3,127.00 6.77 1885 101 [Xe] 4f3 6s2 5.473
60 144.24 Neodymium Nd 1,010.00 3,127.00 7.01 1885 101 [Xe] 4f4 6s2 5.525
61 * 145.0 Promethium Pm 1,100.00 3,000.00 7.3 1945 101 [Xe] 4f5 6s2 5.582
62 150.36 Samarium Sm 1,072.00 1,900.00 7.52 1879 101 [Xe] 4f6 6s2 5.6437
63 151.964 Europium Eu 822.0 1,597.00 5.24 1901 101 [Xe] 4f7 6s2 5.6704
64 157.25 Gadolinium Gd 1,311.00 3,233.00 7.9 1880 101 [Xe] 4f7 5d1 6s2 6.1501
65 158.9253 Terbium Tb 1,360.00 3,041.00 8.23 1843 101 [Xe] 4f9 6s2 5.8638
66 162.5 Dysprosium Dy 1,412.00 2,562.00 8.55 1886 101 [Xe] 4f10 6s2 5.9389
67 164.9303 Holmium Ho 1,470.00 2,720.00 8.8 1867 101 [Xe] 4f11 6s2 6.0215
68 167.259 Erbium Er 1,522.00 2,510.00 9.07 1842 101 [Xe] 4f12 6s2 6.1077
69 168.9342 Thulium Tm 1,545.00 1,727.00 9.32 1879 101 [Xe] 4f13 6s2 6.1843
70 173.04 Ytterbium Yb 824.0 1,466.00 6.9 1878 101 [Xe] 4f14 6s2 6.2542
71 174.967 Lutetium Lu 1,656.00 3,315.00 9.84 1907 101 [Xe] 4f14 5d1 6s2 5.4259
72 178.49 Hafnium Hf 2,150.00 5,400.00 13.31 1923 4 [Xe] 4f14 5d2 6s2 6.8251
73 180.9479 Tantalum Ta 2,996.00 5,425.00 16.65 1802 5 [Xe] 4f14 5d3 6s2 7.5496
74 183.84 Tungsten W 3,410.00 5,660.00 19.35 1783 6 [Xe] 4f14 5d4 6s2 7.864
75 186.207 Rhenium Re 3,180.00 5,627.00 21.04 1925 7 [Xe] 4f14 5d5 6s2 7.8335
76 190.23 Osmium Os 3,045.00 5,027.00 22.6 1803 8 [Xe] 4f14 5d6 6s2 8.4382
77 192.217 Iridium Ir 2,410.00 4,527.00 22.4 1803 9 [Xe] 4f14 5d7 6s2 8.967
78 195.078 Platinum Pt 1,772.00 3,827.00 21.45 1735 10 [Xe] 4f14 5d9 6s1 8.9587
79 196.9665 Gold Au 1,064.00 2,807.00 19.32 ancient 11 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1 9.2255
80 200.59 Mercury Hg -39.0 357.0 13.55 ancient 12 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 10.4375
81 204.3833 Thallium Tl 303.0 1,457.00 11.85 1861 13 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p1 6.1082
82 207.2 Lead Pb 327.0 1,740.00 11.35 ancient 14 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2 7.4167
83 208.9804 Bismuth Bi 271.0 1,560.00 9.75 ancient 15 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p3 7.2856
84 * 209.0 Polonium Po 254.0 962.0 9.3 1898 16 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p4 8.417
85 * 210.0 Astatine At 302.0 337.0 1940 17 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p5 9.3
86 * 222.0 Radon Rn -71.0 -62.0 9.73 1900 18 [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p6 10.7485
87 * 223.0 Francium Fr 27.0 677.0 1939 1 [Rn] 7s1 4.0727
88 * 226.0 Radium Ra 700.0 1,737.00 5.5 1898 2 [Rn] 7s2 5.2784
89 * 227.0 Actinium Ac 1,050.00 3,200.00 10.07 1899 3 [Rn] 6d1 7s2 5.17
90 232.0381 Thorium Th 1,750.00 4,790.00 11.72 1829 102 [Rn] 6d2 7s2 6.3067
91 231.0359 Protactinium Pa 1,568.00 15.4 1913 102 [Rn] 5f2 6d1 7s2 5.89
92 238.0289 Uranium U 1,132.00 3,818.00 18.95 1789 102 [Rn] 5f3 6d1 7s2 6.1941
93 * 237.0 Neptunium Np 640.0 3,902.00 20.2 1940 102 [Rn] 5f4 6d1 7s2 6.2657
94 * 244.0 Plutonium Pu 640.0 3,235.00 19.84 1940 102 [Rn] 5f6 7s2 6.0262
95 * 243.0 Americium Am 994.0 2,607.00 13.67 1944 102 [Rn] 5f7 7s2 5.9738
96 * 247.0 Curium Cm 1,340.00 13.5 1944 102 5.9915
97 * 247.0 Berkelium Bk 986.0 14.78 1949 102 6.1979
98 * 251.0 Californium Cf 900.0 15.1 1950 102 6.2817
99 * 252.0 Einsteinium Es 860.0 1952 102 6.42
100 * 257.0 Fermium Fm 1,527.00 1952 102       6.5
101 * 258.0 Mendelevium Md 1955 102 6.58
102 * 259.0 Nobelium No 827.0 1958 102 6.65
103 * 262.0 Lawrencium Lr 1,627.00 1961 102 4.9
104 * 261.0 Rutherfordium Rf 1964 4  
105 * 262.0 Dubnium Db 1967 5  
106 * 266.0 Seaborgium Sg 1974 6
107 * 264.0 Bohrium Bh 1981 7
108 * 277.0 Hassium Hs 1984 8
109 * 268.0 Meitnerium Mt 1982 9

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