Tagged: plyometrics

It’s Not P90x But It’s .x10.mx Elite Summer Time Bible!!!

May 7, 2015 | | 102 comments

It’s that time of year again, that time of year when everyone is trying to trim off their winter fat suit and get themselves beach body fit.  I usually wake up between 3-4:00 am every morning, and usually infomericials are on promoting various things from home supplies to exercise and health services.  Anyway I was […more]

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Plyometric Outline and Circuit

Aug 19, 2014 | | 6 comments

This workout is a plyometric outline and circuit.  There are 3 phases your gonna go through.  The first phase agility which is needed for full body and core strength and fast twitch muscle fibers.  The second phase is explosion which is needed for pure power and fast twitch muscle fibers stimulation in order to incorporate […more]

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